So I will now proceed to insert activities my family and I have been doing, along with my crafty obsessions and projects.
First off, Baby Growing News:
She has started on cereal. Her bottom toofer is just breaking through. And all she does is smile.
I have an endoscopy scheduled for the middle of August to do a biopsy for an official diagnosis - ? Celiac. The bloodwork and genetics back it up, and so do the symptoms, we will know for sure soon.
A bit of health drama happening on the various generations of the in-law side. Barrett's Esophagus, a trip to the hospital, but everything is ok now.
I am in love with the Coventry Farmer's Market Nasturshum's in my salad greens, so fresh and tasty. Kettle Korn The package says on it "Warning - highly addictive substance" and they're not f***ing around. I love how we can just go and wander and sample.
This morning, blueberry picking with Mada. Sun, branches so laden with plump blueberries they bent to the ground. Yum!
I will be making these as soap holder/scrubbies. I am now obsessed with her happy colors and fun things on her site, check them out.
Knitting news: almost done sewing up the seams on the Drops Cardi, need to find good horn buttons. I also started the Melon Scarf from Victorian Lace Today. I am enjoying it so far, and not bored at all yet. 20 out of 60ish repeats!
Finished this today too!
Looking forward to seeing a dear friend on Monday, sounds like she is in just as bad of a rut as I am. I love her for so many reasons - the fact that no matter how long it has been since we have seen each other, we pick up as if we had never been separated; I love that we have a history with each other, which contributes to the profound trust I have with her; I can't wait to give her a hug.