Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Baby Surprise! and the imagination of a 3 year old

Done in 48 hours. And I can tell you that every baby I know will be getting one of these. I loved knitting it and I couldn't put it down. Ellyn Cooper's yarn in this colorway(almond blush) was perfect. Girly, but it has the blues and greens to round it out. The yarn was nice and springy too.

I started the bonnet to match today too. I hope I have enough of the yarn left over... If not, I will rip it out and make booties or another hat of some sort. :o)

Today we got to take our man, Baxter out to the field to run. Delaney brought a panda named "Lasky" with us. She had her on a leash and kept growing tall, but then shrinking when it was convienient for D. She told me that she puts makeup on Lasky all of the time. She has another panda named BoBo that is still at the castle (aka home). I need to write all of these things down in her journal for her to look back on. She comes up with the funniest names.

1 comment:

livnletlrn said...

oh yeah, that's adorable. somehow I missed the bonnet in past EZ reads. glad to know about it now.

I know I haven't seen you in a while, but I was shocked -- SHOCKED! -- to glance at that baby ticker thingamabob and notice that there's an almost fully ripe and ready-to-go baby in your belly. Are you aware of this?! ha! Seriously, took me by surprise.

Let the nesting commence!